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Facebook: Danijela Plavsic Nisavic-slike ulje na platnu

We present to you the family studio, the place where two painters Danijela and Dušana Plavšić (father and daughter) gather and work.

DANIJELA PLAVŠIĆ NIŠAVIĆ is a graduated art historian, she lives in Belgrade. After her work experience as a professor of fine arts in high school, she has completely dedicated herself to painting since 2010. She is very successful in interacting with customers around the world through Belgrade festivals and organizations that have enabled her affirmation with the audience. Danijela works with the oil on canvas technique, with palette knives. She deals with various topics (landscapes, urban motifs, still lifes ...). Uses a rich palette of harmonious colors, which sometimes become more explosive or more accentuated while the composition remains calm and stable.

DUŠAN PLAVŠIĆ, graduated civil engineer. He lives and works in Čačak. He has decades of experience in painting and great success in selling paintings that have reached various parts of the world and beautified the homes of many satisfied customers. All paintings were made using the oil on canvas or hardboard technique, with paletts knives. He deals with a variety of themes with his special painting language (landscapes, urban motifs, still lifes, portraits ...). His compositions are stable and calm, with fantastically rich colors and tones, unmistakable perspectives and plans that are revealed during the observation of the painting.

Živi i radi: Srbija, Beograd

Plavšić Nišavić Danijela na SerbianaArt-u od 20.11.2021.

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