Slična umetnička dela

Izaberite umetničko delo koje vam se sviđa i pogledajte njemu najsličnije radove

Palette and chord

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Izmedju sunca i meseca

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Devojka s cigaretom

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Harlemska renesansa

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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The red Sun

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Mogućnosti i iskušenja

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Apstrakcija 6

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Ulje na platnu - Violinista, prelepa slika

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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`Plavi Svet`

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Epic journey

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Keeper of your dreams-3

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Dvoje kao jedno

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit
Soul and Mind -8

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Drugo lice ljubavi

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Harbour of love -13

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Out of time

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Soul and Mind-7

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit
Apstrakcija 86

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
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Ulje na platnu - Djeram, prelepa slika

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit
Apstrakcija 7

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit
Elementarni zidni reljef 02

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit
Otmica Leukipovih kceri

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit
Apstrakcija 47-22

Djordjevic Snezana

Palette and chord
Ulje/Lesonit | 50×40 cm
Na upit